Comments improvements

Headlining the second set of September updates is a new feature for comments – stickyness.

Sometimes comments or updates aren’t just moment in time conversations but are important bits of information that need to stick around for the life of the record. For example, in our own system, we’ve attached a comment to the contact details of our company showing admin details like the company number and VAT ID.

Now, clicking on a comment brings up some options, which include ‘stick this to the top’. That does what it says and makes sure that comment will always be visible, whatever else is added. It also highlights it in a colour matching the app – here’s an example of what it looks like:

sticky comment

Where before you may have had two fields, one for short term comments and one for longer term info, they can now be merged into one, simplifying the screen and making a cleaner interface, something we’re always in favour of. Give it a go and let us know what you think.

New colours

Talking of colour, those of you using our default interface, un-branded to your own company, will have noticed some new colouring pop up. Here are a few sample screenshots.






These colours match the development of our brand which is shortly to be launched with a new website, so keep an eye out for that too.

Feature footer

Finally, we’ve tried to make the little bit of info at the bottom of the home screen useful – now, replacing our company name, is a link to support and also a link to our newest feature announcement, taken from this very blog, so users can check it out and try things out for themselves.

That’s (probably) all for this month, see you in October!






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